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A "by-product" of our
studies is "healing". Is The Infinite Way a substitute
of materia medica? Should one abandon medicine when studying The
Infinite Way? Etc.Etc. In order to clarify these matters Bertus
refers you to:
First this: let what follows next
be crystalclear to you.
The Infinite Way is NEITHER a
substitute NOR a competitor of materia medica.
(Fragment from: 1962 Los Angeles
Private Group, Tape 1 Track 2)
You might call The Infinite way at
best an "added thing".. Should regular materia medica
give you no benefit, there is another way such as . . . .
In this sense you should understand it. Everyone has the choice
to - if he/she has complaints - to take recourse to regular materia
medica (doctors, nurses, therapists) or to hypnosis or acadabra
or lay-hands-on or para ..this.. or .. psycho.. that .. or
healing by faith.
ADVICES!!! .... No one else is allowed to do so. Therefore NO
practitioner and teacher etc. of The Infinite Way should do so.
Should you experience complaints
(physical or mental) and you have turned yourself to alternative
medical science (homeopathy, etc) and you derive no benefit from
it, please - FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE - go and consult a qualified
medical doctor.
Doctors, nurses, therapists and
like - they all do an excellent job on t h e i r
level of Consciousness. Viz: healing in a material way.
The Infinite Way acts on a higher
level of Consciousness: healing-in-the- Spiritual Way. In the Infinite
Way we have nothing to do with healing of bodies, minds, etc. We
turn ourselves away from the material picture and turn ourselves
to God.
NOWHERE in The Infinite Way you
are told that you may not consult a doctor or take no medicine if
you experience complaints. NO practitioner or teacher should ever
say something like that to you. You are absolutely free to do or
not to do whatever you like. The Infinite Way does not intrude
into your life nor does it interfere with your private affairs
nor gives it any advice in any field. On the human scale The
Infinite Way has nothing to offer you.
In "healing" in The
important role. You will find an outstanding example of that in
the Monthly Letter February 1960. Very much worth your while
studying it. More in click on feb1960uk
Continuing the subject of
CONSCIOUSNESS. Many people adore and worship the man Jesus as the
"miracle'worker; the "Lord", etc. But, though
Jesus was the greatest mystic who ever lived on earth and we
should be very grateful to Him for His work: please remember
this: it was n o t the man Jesus doing all this, but
the Spirit of God, the Christ(mind), God operating in and thru
the consciousness of Jesus, who was 100% awake to that Spirit of
God, that Christ. That made him the Christ, the Light.
That same Spirit of God, that same
Christ(mind), God IS present in any and everyone, only w e
have to awaken to IT. One is more awake to IT than the other.
Those more awake to IT , we call "master" or
"'practitioner" or "teacher" etc. and the one
who is still asleep to IT, we call "student", though in
true Spiritual Sense there is no difference.
You will notice that the more you
awake to that Spirit of God, the more you are conscious of IT.
And the higher you will rise in Consciousness. For that reason
"the renewal of your thinking"- as is said in the Bible
- will take place and you'll note that "the old fades
away and the new will appear". You'll notice that you
"die" more and more from your material sense and will
more and more be "present with the Lord". In the
process - if "process" is the correct word- you'll
notice that problems - of any nature - will become less and less
and in the end fade away and disappear and that is a side issue
to "healing" if you follow and study The Infinite Way.
In this particular case you will have to take recourse to materia
medica less and less or have to take medicine less and less ,
because of your awakening to and rising into Consciousness more
and more.
We - in The Infinite Way - have
nothing to do with healing of somebody's mind or body: the
student him/herself "heals" by rising higher and higher
in Consciousness. In cases of an urgent problem the
student "borrows"- so to say - Light of the one who is
more awake and thus advanced: viz: the practitioner. That
is what seems to happen at the level of time and space, but in
Truth and Reality the student contacts the I of his / her own
being and because there only is One I (= God) Which also is the I
of the practitioner, it might be possible that - before actual
contacting the practitioner who is high enough in Consciousness -
you are already "healed".
In The Infinite Way there are no
opposing elements: no black or white, no up or down, not rich or
poor, not good nor bad, etc. etc. there IS (very i m p o r t a n
t word) only GOD, the ONE and ONLY Consciousness, the
Christ(mind). That is called the "Middle Path". You
should study:
"The Middle Path"
- Monthly Leter of June 1974
IS - Monthy Letter of July 1974.
Please do not think that
"healing" is something that happens just like that.
Except a few really blessed people, it will take years and years
of study, meditation, prayer, practice, impersonalize, re-interprete
appearances, nothingnize, etc. If you have a headache and
you think: I just sit down, turn myself to God and ... away is
the headache: you are fooling yourself.
himself has once been healed by homeopathy. You can hear yourself
what Joel says about that, when you click on: homeo
. mp3 .
from the "1958 London Closed Class")
Though Joel Goldsmith most of the
time was in that Four Dimensional State of Consciousness - in Which
very few of us may ever be - Joel definitely was not
"floating" and "drifting" but very practical,
sometimes rude. He had very little patience with
"starry-eyed idealist"or "do-gooders" and
like. Click on egouk and shiver.
PRAYER in The Infinite Way
definitely is NOT asking God for material things, but rather: a
prayer without words and thoughts, a LISTENING. The only
"justified" prayer in The Infinite Way is: ask God for
Light and Guidance and Spiritual Wisdom. You then get loose from
yourself so that that Divine I can take over of the human I
(human ego).
Do know this: I must decrease so
that I increase. Study tape nr 531 B incorporated into the
Monthly letter may, 1966 title: the two ways of
I . This item Joel also dealt with in classes /tapes
nrs. 136A ...471A ...701A...283B to mention a few.
you are
(being) confronted with a problem - of any kind - uppermost in
your mind will be "How can I get rid of this?" and
like. And you are tempted to start fighting it. In doing that you
will perpetuate the problem whilst giving power to it. The
Infinite Way teaches that whatever is confronting you is NO power
at all since God IS ALL Power. Furthermore: Joel teaches us to
(try to) disregard the situation by DIStracting your attention to
it and ATtracting your attention to God , only God. To help you
doing that please first come down to rest and quiet.
To help you
herewith click on surrender
from which a short quote:
Now, in a
completely relaxed meditation, give up this world, give up all
desire...... .I surrender all things unto Thee: I am not
withholding anything; I Am keeping no mental images in my mind to
be concerned about. My only desire is to .know Thee aright, to
live forever in the remembrance that Thou art in me, and that Thy
whole kingdom is within me. I rest in Thy grace; I rest in Thy
Then try to
get away from "this world" and concentrate on a very powerful
meditation on God, God, ONLY GOD!!! Keeping your thoughts on
God is also dealt with in the 1954 Chicago Practitioners Class
Tape 2 Side 2 incorporated into the Monthy Letter of February,
To end this:
you will have noted that Joel (c.q. The Infinite Way) is
definitely NOT against doctors and like, on the contrary. Such is
quite obvious from a letter Joel wrote on the subject to a
student from which I give you hereunder a short quote:
Joel asked a
student: "Do you have a doctor? If so, follow his
instructions. Your husband is right if he gets the best medical
help and neither you nor he needto make any apologies or
excuses to anyone else. I have learned in my long years of study
that it is wiser to let the best human help be Gods
instrument, when we are already hypnotized with something."
click on medical
to read the whole letter.